Friday, August 13, 2010


How do you feel about the new "murse" trend (as photographed on Usher- Media Takeout)?  Would you want your guy to WEAR IT or SPARE IT?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Love. Life." ~ Dealing With Cyber Stalkers

What can you do when someone you have dated won't go away and them and their ex-girlfriend stalk your every move online cutting you down, hating on you and calling your house?

Dear "Me~and~Mines",

I hate it when people get petty and start stalking, taunting and harassing others online. I wish it never happened, but since some people are immature and can't stand to see others living a life they wish they had here's what I suggest you do...

  1. MAKE YOUR PAGES PRIVATE (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Link'd In etc.) this way no one is allowed to access to your page without your permission.
  2. BLOCK BOTH OF THEM from your social networking pages. Ignore any messages you may receive from them - in the eyes of a stalker, any response or reaction from you is an invitation to keep up the drama :-/
  3. Tell someone close to you and document any harassing emails, texts, voice messages or letters you may receive. I once received a 17 page (HANDWRITTEN) letter from a psycho chick who was after my boyfriend at the time. I was a bit disturbed that someone would sit down and hand write 17 pages then take the time to Fed Ex the letter to my house...where did this chick get my address anyway!?! Needless to say, I was concerned. I let my mom and sister know about the situation just in case crazy girl decided to show up on my door step one day. Always keep a family member or close friend in the loop if you feel any sense of personal threat.
  4. Lastly, go to police and file a report if you feel threatened or that their interference in your life is escalating to a point that doesn't allow you to function freely in your day to day life.
Homeboy and his bug-a-booh chick need to move on, if they're together now that should be enough and they should kindly step out of your way. Always remember, he's your ex for a reason, something told you to let him go so someone new and fabulous can enter your life. Don't count it a loss, be grateful you're not the new chick making a fool of herself over another woman's left overs :-)

You have the right to joy, peace and freedom!

Take 2 Fabs & Call Me In the Morning,


As some of you may know, I am a songwriter.  As a songwriter, there's nothing I want or like more than getting positive feedback on my work which inspires me to continue songwriting.  In the music industry, you run into so many talented and fun people, but you also from time-to-time run into situations that are less desirable.

For example, a few of the songs I've written have been leaked by others over the internet before I've had the chance to properly pitch them.  Thankfully, they receive alot of views, downloads and great feedback.  I wish everyone I work with in my career had a high level of integrity, but that's just life PERIOD.  I want to make it clear it's not necessarily the leaking of the song that disappointed as much as the lack of integrity by the person/people who leaked it in not speaking with me prior to.  I've made light of the situation and continue writing & challenging myself to grow as a songwriter.  And with that light & God's career gets brighter & brighter.  I encourage you to check out some of my early work (which was leaked) by viewing the videos below.  Have a fab one! -Chel
  1. "I Want You Back" (Written By Chel Hill /Performed By J Rice)
  2. "Stop Playing With Me" (Written & Perfomed by Chel Hill ) NOT JORDYN TAYLOR!!! LOL 


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